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Shangri-Ha Cactus Ranch

Coryphantha elephantidens cv inermis

Coryphantha elephantidens cv inermis

Regular price $325.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $325.00 USD
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Coryphantha elephantidens cv inermis

So rare!  Insane specimen with 4 heads and loads of babies!
You will receive this exact, grafted specimen.
Scion measures 5"w x 4"h.  Entire specimen measures 13" tall.
Some of the babies my fall during shipping but don't worry, you can plant them and make new coryphanthas!
Will be shipped bare root.

LIGHT - Full sun to part shade - loves lots of light but avoid direct sunlight

WATER - Water weekly in summer, less in winter.  Can take more water than most cactus but drainage is crucial.

SOIL – Very well drained soil

COLD TOLERANCE - Zones 9a - 11b


SIZE - 6 - 12" in diameter


TOXICITY – Generally non-toxic to humans and pets

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