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Shangri-Ha Cactus Ranch

Lepismium cruciform - Hurricane Cactus

Lepismium cruciform - Hurricane Cactus

Regular price $65.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $65.00 USD
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Lepismium cruciform -  Hurricane Cactus 

You will receive 10 pieces + 2  babies of  this mature Hurricane Cactus.
Roots as shown.
Showcased here in Caltagirone Ceramic Moor's Head (sold).
Will ship bare root.

This one loves filtered sun and will turn shades of red and burgundy when placed in a sunny spot.  

LIGHT - Needs FILTERED sunlight but NOT direct which will burn them

WATER - Needs a lot of water to survive but don't let it sit in water

SOIL – Needs very well drained soil

COLD TOLERANCE - Zones 10a - 11b.


SIZE - Stems are up to about 20" in length

FLOWERS – Small white, cream, yellow, pink, and at times dark purple

PROPAGATION – Stem cuttings, leaves, or seeds

TOXICITY - Non-toxic to pets

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