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Euphorbia abdelkuri variegata 'Pink Damask' - Variegated Euphorbia abdelkuri


Loaded - 12 heads on this specimen!
You will receive this exact, grafted specimen.

Scion measures 5"w x 5" tall.

Entire specimen measures 12" tall.

Showcased here in one-of-a-kind handmade pottery (sold separately).

Will be shipped bare root.


LIGHT - Lots of sunlight


WATER - Water only when completely dry.


SOIL- Well drained soil


COLD TOLERANCE - Zones 9a - 11b




SIZE - Usually up to 39 inches tall x 1.5" in diameter


FLOWERS - Cyathia




TOXICITY - Can be toxic to humans and pets

Euphorbia abdelkuri variegata 'Pink Damask'

  • Botanical Name:  Euphorbia abdelkuri variegata

    Common Name:  Variegated Euphorbia abdelkuri

    Family: Euphorbiaceae


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